Brady vs. Manning
Some people say that Peyton Manning is the best Quarterback (BR) in the NFL but Tom Brady is successful only because it plays in the Team System. I would like to dispel the myth that Manning is the best QB. We believe that there is no comparison between two players. Brady is in progress and limits in advance of Manning it skills, smarts, experienced football and character.
Play in the system - is the most absurd argument, I never heard about. All players play within their team system.Maybe Manning would do better in the series if he stuck to his équipe.Il system obvious is that Manning is easily get excited and not confidence in playoff games.
Lack of confidence Manning could not have been more obvious than Sunday. Manning flétrie as a weed dead whenever there pressure. He did not reply to the defence of Pittsburgh Steelers.Manning is supposed to be one of biggest jamais.Maintenant QB, is a joke. I would not put him in the twenty-five top all time.
On the other hand Brady can play with a system, but he knows how to handle the pressure of playoff games. I saw Tom Brady on defensive pressure over and over again, and there seems to be the answer. Tom Brady will place in the top ten list of QB ever.
Record playoff - Manning is 3-6, Brady is 10-1.Manning has never beaten Brady in fact éliminatoires.En series, Brady seems to surpass his opponent each time. So while Brady could play in a system, it has found a way to surpass Manning.
Manning should go the Super Bowl this year, but was unable to handle even a win in the playoffs.Manning had the advantage of field on the Steelers home but looked dazed, confused and amateur field.
Super Bowl Record - this is the most definitive statistics. Brady won three super balls.Peyton Manning has not won a Super Bowl. Until Manning wins Super Bowl, I do not think that you can compare the him and Brady.Brady is a proven winner while Manning is a proven loser.
Character - Brady is well ahead of personnel in the Department of nature.Until Sunday, I thought Manning had the character but then Manning blamed the lack of protection for its perte.Cela means he blamed his offensive line.Can Manning only issue when it does to any pressure?I think the answer is Yes.
Manning does not know how to play well against a good defence.Missing character to accomplish work.When it fails it acts as a small child and rejects his offensive.Manning line is a bad loser and deserves our respect.
I hear Tom Brady blame his teammates after the loss of the samedi.Brady showed character vrai.Je think that he return series and succès.Effectifs could instead make the series, but I think that lacks the necessary to win playoff games character.
If I was choosing a quarter of pick, I would pick Tom Brady.Peyton Manning would not be doing same my courte.Je list do not think that Manning has confidence or character to lead a team to the Super Bowl.
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